Days Of Dragon Con 2020 - Day The Ocho - Game On!

2020, The Unique Geek
Days Of Dragon Con

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[0:00] Music.

[0:15] No the first one,

[0:34] Music.

[0:39] Welcome to another no zip a dragon con and johnning me as always georgia.
Play yesterdays feel today like it's deep deep in the battles of georgia ku the humidity i think it's a hundred percent
it was arty hidden ninety something this thing like ten thirty this morning so i watch formula how humid it was,
for the race it was forty four bars forty percent humidity like.

[1:18] What is stupid people have no clue come to florida georgia not this year.
No joy trying cancel this year really truly enjoyed turn your heat,
add water just stand in your love live,
any gospel so you know what john wolf stop it,
add i work that's right there blow.
What open heaven high field temperature add contacts deuter friends,
kevin is the director of video gaming phil is a gaming high yes.
What photos from the start call right here i like that idea leave involved so.

[2:27] Hey portal resume just kiddin listen rise above the short jokes this year i would hope irobot.
I know thats difficult for some of this on this call mother,
i said it john we are still apogee thirteen podcast point one episode,
if hamilton give it away i bet we could.
That's right disney wanna be us we promise we're all here on really really really.

[3:17] What is the which one again friends goofy.
I see goofy dope and grampy in front of me so caravan susan call gonna.
So john do you know why i was really hoping dave koz the senior director of these two
when will it be on weather forecast in the hurricanes right
only want to get someone in this year
no please do you know the rest of the status.
Open spaces the only way,
probably wanna talk about what they do a drink director on video gaming and one is the director of gaming so.
Will start with phil phil you are the director of board gaming.

[4:34] Which means war tabletop games games games.
Ok wait are you talking card games like werewolf are you talking call games like general.
Number of africa always library,
right correct,

[5:25] Yeah that's like warhammer some like that thats.
Set the workshop budget,
dial it doesn't make sense,
set a thirty minute timer for forty five minutes access the whole week,
possible kevin what is video game.

[6:10] Are the directions.
Anything video game from too many consulted app if it's got a computer chip in it.
It's something that i cover no what about we use you.
Switch yes,
what did you buy grocery today,
how did you dodge that bullet any help i believe that switch is just kind of gateway
game until they get into playstation in every thing else,
alaska for christmas i got my daughter switch.

[7:18] Add shouldn't play the weather play on the xbox she was more of a sea of thieves call of duty.
We should switch actually to my second.
About a month later animal crossing came out i want to switch again.
News news anywhere.
Learn i want and want it i'm not fighting it again fold is your little one play switch up,
right on the last one.
Play bad girl,
play everything i got them.
That's the conversation with a lot of kard.
Currently general about roblox.

[8:25] Right.

[8:31] Show me the money making selling item on robots so good,
and see almost everywhere their i know what turnips are but in any kind of it it's all about the animal crossing thing.
What lettuce or apples.
Play white collar jones stock market.

[9:10] Do they disable crossing not understand it turn up so nasty greens a good night.

[9:19] Play yada yada i'm just trying to know i'm proud of logic with a game so.
Is there traffic in milwaukee that's so i think they have a plumber that fights a turtles so you know whatever dude yeah.
Never gorilla it so kevin what is the big game this year that is has come out will come out other than,
the animal crossing buggin' edit everyone's brain food,
animal crossing heart right now there's a new world war craft expansionism say that every couple years but there's another i can get a cat,
no sounds are always love cats now,
what are you laughing john catherine like you can pick up the cat and pete the cat and it becomes your friends.
Yeah assassin's creed is newest creed ok.
Start twenty seven seven out any day now too.

[10:47] Everybodys gonna be talking like this released head i have they have a lot of phil legg.
No you by project cd,
play brad garrett project dreams the last word games yeah yeah there their they're,
listen witcher world known as,
having an extra loud death to their games so fifty game.

[11:24] End for us stanley untitled back i mean most avalon ganging get thirty hours games you get sixty without.

[11:35] Add another contact all my contacts.
Something anniversary release hard to tell.

[11:54] Hey portal turn on do a free mobile game.

[12:01] Let's call star trek fleek commander what was that noise is making fair game is it.

[12:11] I want the date everybody i know a lot,
yes a lot what's that the star trek that they were doing an i think they're done dragon now which is you go to get to play a station,
play the bridge artist bridge to my husband and son the first time i saw it like play it for five times were talking about buying a whole,
any more computer so they could have seven people over to play ozma way out there water runs dry him yeah that's what it the first time,
i can't tell you what you store headed to get also clement you set this up.
Add here regular ninety five corporate job and his company was strung out a bunch of old touch screen computers.
Wow washing away can i take this insurance.

[13:11] Enjoy talking to build is first bridge in built the bridge at home and every station was a touch screen,
just added to the whole lot cars feeling you new station on screen,
add start doing parties and what not end well that making money off of it this is getting really very cool travels around the different shows in conventions and makes pretty good money.
Very good no add its a fine day.
Cancel every fun game today.
Yes what's the weather today.
What is the time is a new there's a new game built on the same engine that the graphics updated the game concept up to date.

[14:13] That uses the same style of everybody working at a different station somebody being the commander.
Use east and roll it out feat will roland a dragon but.
How we roll early doctor shows.
Put device about the top artists came out star trek bridge commando came out yeah.

[14:47] So much better than you look the outback soundtrack,
will you help one artist there that would be called paramount the most have a little bit to do with it with star trek bridge.
What is the theme park experience whatcha see is whatcha get it's not extensible it's not customize it's not,
open to the community was artemus about getting and develop custom scripps customer areas custom battles they can read to find their ship types.

[15:29] Make a news really mix things up and the customize ability is.

[15:40] How many days.
So we ask kevin what was the big stuff film has their been any new board games are games that are big this year that years surprise to hear.
No i don't ever global pandemic going on hey portal back up yeah,
when were games been produced basketball cowboys on a lot of stuff not ever.

[16:14] Update story so like everything but they come out kickstart so,
lower the people been waiting for awhile just started to ship the one that i'm looking forward to indigo girls last year.
Forecast for yeah yeah yeahs complete,
so you're welcome to bigbang at the contacts year but thanks thanks to the pandemic moses sumney anticipation,
yes no yes no.
Right now so yeah right now.

[17:11] What happened to go barcelona.
Add download pizza fugees.

[17:24] Not usually no so but not successful so we ball down just said dragon is going virtual something like board games.
Go virtual cuz that's a really big room i mean,
if you're not like twelve people united time in my be able to social distance,
what can we do in order to promote this thing and play hdmi play innerspace,
everything we heard everything that the city of atlanta not state of georgia not came up with basically told us.
Only on that i got a handle on your community spread of the virus,
no it's not where we would be able to meet the city of atlanta guidelines because we can satisfied pieces between play we can't give up people,
add we baseball game over the fact that also should we have for flying blind games virtually,
yes good work for us because one of things you like to do we don't wanna have we had for the weekend right.

[18:45] Play games spiritualized have to buy,
awesome for like a tablet or something similar that something.
Show what is gonna be this year.
What understand,
what will it and run trivia games from online,
what is the jackpot trivia games online,
increase to drive time jamming website with going to play what to do.

[19:34] I want to david more details reject.
For the aquabats game.
What's the way on the recipe is also doing the things war horse we're gonna have contacts,
hey portal what people come out would like some popular demos and white one of sistar on that again.
The world playing before i go to setting up some online,
yes i'll be available,
record everything is everything anything for you like getting into.

[20:31] What glass something for everybody i think.
I think has been very easily shows many times whatever we talk i don't do a lot a gaming but i'm actually play some of the jackpot games online,
when family thats across the us things like that and it was fun,
it's fun it's not like being there but it is a pretty nice little substitute to be able to do that,
set volume to three four.
Play the five a day replay all right now trying to have it is out,
how many have we had,
how do you expect rain this week,
will it is all a work in progress because i'm a girl over to kevin to is more like a track director like i'm directors scheduling panels and things like that.

[21:58] Go to work in progress as well,
always actually where were playing the other four pink walls for video gaming this year two can i didn't entertainment,
talking about lauren story in world war craft focusing on shadowland because the new expansion,
is basically cutting lower from wolf plus we're not talking about characters from previous expansions this is a whole new area whole new solange.
New characters new story so can what is like to create a new world in a game that sixteen years old.

[22:44] Pause there's old medication united going into the comes of death so death.

[23:00] Not running an easter anybody has seen any articles about shadowland the name of lando of death.

[23:10] Show me talk a lot about that but flight to manage dad and then you got over watch to you've got diablo for managing six franchises and other stories and trying to keep it all straight which is no mean feat,
who's got a stafford people who really yasper people a little surprising.
Are we talking about the kind of skills can see start a software qi guy.
How is skills in software translated to.
Story lord now he's actually writing stories getting it on the creative side of video game development ok,
add can't talk about how that when is an author real death discussion it helps that shawnna each other for years and his wife,
add twenty years now so it is morning inside the actors studio personal.
Yeah timer one hour one night girl chat with a lot of indigo girls moderatto doesn't know the guess that do or die.
Very cool you're such a what's your second one that is there i don't know what field just hold up i could not read it.

[24:35] Is it gonna thumbs up or whatever yes no more music please.
Not thinking you are talking about what we used to watch on pbs,
will no i don't a bunch of video games were also friends of mine martin married quintin flynn and daniela andrade.
Baseball game.
Only lyrics passages from movies as just for books and had them read those passages in caracter,
add voice of your choice so a couple of years ago for example quin did the raven is christopher walken sylvester stallone william shatner.

[25:25] All three together like you enjoy yourself different person oh wow nevermore,
yes one of them hits from this year.

[25:44] How got show tunes from the did it again from one of them marvel movies i won't tell me which one don't want to spell it no,
I jonas again giggling and turn red which is always so much fun to watch on the rescheduled an hour to record this to a half.
Are there was there a couple of skits they try to drag me into come on come on another part for this,
so i wanted doing monty python and,
lobbing sods places the system of government ok.
It got silly fast.
It's money piling first vol how could it not even more so when you're having this kind of fun with it,
yes i mean there's one where was doing i kissed a girl by katy perry at samuel.
Yeah it's an hour plus that.

[27:11] Yeah we'll do that two pac ball remember your akon and i wanna talk to the guys right before we know its to conventions gonna be canceled like guys we have to get together on a video call is do this,
we have a great,
end they can't wait to do we're gonna have courtney taylor join us as well but she got a paying gig well i can't gainsay that yeah ok so.
I'm going to a video game in this is actually for you because i have no watched the watcher at least twice on netflix.

[27:54] Add i did not realize it was not only a video game but it was also something else video game now it's netflix.
Yes by the way henry cavill is a serious serious game,
is it really youtube video doing a gaming pc the head like a million hits the first day,
adjust it was perry cabell shirtless doing a game around shirtless whatever it again.
I'm checking actually.
He lives to get the hitcher,
i mean because he was already eat already gone through played read the book the whole nine yards if you listening to me and contrast one of us bring in time of us
what are those things that you think of amen your thinking superman i'm awake somebody else set it looks better.

[29:12] Dodi not clean-cut lake clark scale of straight tonight straight,
yes ryan upchurch pretty man i will say he is not naked but he is wearing a tank top.

[29:33] End the images i am seeing of him building his kpcc computer whatever that's pretty amazing,
henry cavill building a computer in a tank top since internet into overdrive that's,
add nothing to do with enrique not at all no i'm just saying the clean cut clean cut.

[30:03] Yes superman hotter,
will young needed ok so but no i didn't how many books are there,
lock filter to view from amazon and galaxy three four i think i got a lot of the collection but i don't have all of it,
ok it's very large i'm so sorry actual live gaming over the course the weekend for a video game your name.
No the coasters forget it with got two more panels,
record in their actually being done by our guest their disco hand into me completed the closest we're gonna get to it is.
We have a group is doing a baseball computerized tools for sporting table top gaming select,
are the dmx software computer things that dmx duran games online and things like that were basically have a panel people showing off those products and how they work.

[31:24] Turn online settings light years virtual dmx works.
Set a demo alone not lines but classic gaming and stuff like that to be honest there's thousand youtube videos of that kind of stuff and why compete with that we wanna give them something.
Yeah yeah what if people like,
online yes yes you can they have tools for it they have other stuff for it is very doable actually free,
a lot of the stuff use as the tools so very cool,
ok john you got ask more questions cause i know nothing i am done with my gaming knowledge at this point nine.

[32:15] Ok i'm so easy so i said no when you're talking about blizzard.
I have to ask have you watched medical ravens banquet.

[32:32] It's on my list,
ok highway to say i have it yet one of the panels we were going to do a swimming a live convention this year
i'd like shawn mxpx.
How long until we get a lot of feedback on your side echo thank you.
We have a bunch of a video games studio professionals do and mgmt style review that series of watching episode nothing left to lose area,
that was one of those we had mine for this year doesn't work yeah i have,
i love the plan i'm hoping i can just realize it again,
europe twenty twenty dragon twenty twenty one the year of the xx,
what are the people freaking out mask,
i guess you know i guess on that point,
i want to listen to zedd resistance put that shit on,
having a threat to college football with do it in the south but i'm not sure.

[34:02] Hey portal.
What you don't know about me i am hated football baseball basketball for over twenty years yesterday.
I would like right now.
Where you wanna be whenever that has passed through respiratory droplet is anyone near.
The bottom of pile in football you don't want to be anywhere near the bottom violent football anyway anyway.

[34:35] Search for sweater beats someone that you're with droplets the passenger.
Play basketball yeah well that's been a good thing by the nba and the
nhl having their little bubbles that actually is working so far so if you gonna do it you got it up
which can't do anything college mocca zoey dollaz
no when i get something that would be bad because they're can be back in person at,
does weekly baseball game so it's not paused made me stop
hey portal yeah i know that panels.
Two degrees in the board gaming genre are you gonna do any panels this year for virtual riot connor is it all,
play rush would be table top team is jackson falls on me dragon tales i don't know,

[36:00] I want everybody with no dinner party planning to do anything for aborto convention because i had you recorded yep,
what is somebody to commit to be able to do.
No recorded california you got it recorded.
What is twenty five minutes left right,

[36:37] Pause,
is way harder it is a challenge it is a really big challenges and kevin gates difficult.
When you director at the show.
You're not always present at each and every panel you can let your your volunteers endless summer the heavy left.

[37:05] This year.
It's pretty much all me this year a good thing is great staff and volunteers we have a great,
track volunteers but a lot of it is brainstorm with my seconds what would be good panels versus you know what we're gonna do that for me
how to thing for you as well is that audience interaction you know that that,
that's always what's great and the other reason that's great is yes indeed an hour but you know the rooms being reset up for you can go out in the hall and continue conversation,
what is a good breakfast when you break rhythm.
Will you recording stuff in advance convention a virtual convention record one on a wednesday in the oven the following tuesday there's no there's no you're going into it cold.
It's difficult i say it's pretty earlier pretty much all me that's not entirely true second jason aldean is a bloody hero his help me with a lot of the prophec.

[38:28] By demetri martin second and having a staff of thirty forty.
Is it hard because their no crowds durango their no questions to moderate it in the guests and feedback,
nightmare sonar radio edit recorded panel two three weeks out.
Something happened to changes what they talk about yeah magic.
No because i mean more about devil without a cause it gonna be different john and nancy.
Restart this it's gonna be different but it will be going forward.
Play cody have a recent record gaming associated convention something real it's always directors all the time philip.

[39:48] What does it feel right go ahead and win yesterday tonight yeah,
is version the show must go on it's gonna happen,
yes not sure what it feels like all of us and it's like a mess up messed up,
do i need an umbrella happen add kingdom come.

[40:16] Any recent today to the week in salt nelson have it is very as well i think.

[40:27] I have something that was about the going to my head and i don't know what it was john i'm sorry five yes it's flo rida over my head and straighten to your boobs hurtin' me i hope,
which means what about us mayfield weather setting at the letter to for that happens,
getting get one of those retractable what time is it.
Ok overhead.
So let's talk about lets talk about the before time last year
any events up weather panels or something at six in your head that one off with a better was a lot weirder than you thought was gonna be oh god two hundred peachtree.

[41:23] Yes ok what you have a bit party goodbye.
Yes baseball gonna be spinning stuff online and she's got plans and i'm just let her on with it.
Power tour,
what's up red spider do whatever spiderwebs don't do it
amen brothers into orbit let me be fair picture wasn't bad.
It was a lot.
Yeah so it was it was a new building new facility people not know the rules no rules.

[42:17] Lock,
i don't know two hundred pictures a building very close to all five of the hotel and they renovated it and made it into kind of event space it's not understand,
yes please basics is there.
Will you to be davidson 's get it right i'm so sorry ok gotcha.
We just basically heroes and villains night bus took over the entire building that's pretty cool and it was enormous penis.
But it was the logistics behind it.

[43:02] Play waterfalls jarhead come over here it was just big.
It was more people than leave ever had a deal with it was more more.

[43:16] I for the first time in my life is directors like we're gonna scale this is boring i can hear.
Say again.

[43:33] You're funny man is some jokes that i'm pretty sure republican talk about it,
can we tell this on the podcast,
hey portal go to see if we can pass code wow that's too let's just
brownies you have everything that needs to be sad for janet with that works,
what is a story about brownies and brownies that's appropriate your body cast.

[44:17] Make a grocery the pattern is full stop thinking i'm thinking you know boogie just say brownies and go from there cause of bitten everybody can figure out and if not,
dragon contact someone ask barrett for twenty twenty one.
Ask evan anderson let me do not have these particular kind of brownies and thirty years.
Particularly effective double chocolate chocolate really good dark chocolate,
that's always good so ok phil duty-free ok.
Yes filter how about the same question changes did what
no no that wasn't the question the question,
who can twenty nineteen what was,
yeah i got a story about that suran ok.
Add twenty twenty nineteen a chill out anything to get your mind for not your besides brownies.

[45:40] Did the last year was particula childress over in gaming it's america smart,
work in the way we like it we don't have any particular obsessive problems,
have any particular issues all with you going on everything was really good.

[46:07] Let's get hello little person.
Driving daddy crazy hey sweetie we see a little person high you are say hi.

[46:19] She's waiting princess princess way there you go sweetie youre awesome and make sure you make your daddy crazy that's your job,
help help aunt lee make your daddy please ok so there's a story.

[46:39] Yes i look john i am not above bribery i'm already given a two presents for christmas i'm keep on coming
no what about there are all of they were hurts,
good job my was a disney princess that's saying suppose to say
start over reason batteries bring that dragonstone music,
play inside you make sure it'll be ok sorry pause story circle invented of drink last year,
delete the next friday anymore,
i don't know what that was but ok liberty distilling from local h corn whiskey moonshine statically,
no i refused it with carolina reaper peppers.

[47:51] No no don't do that no why did you rurouni kenshin that way i ninety-five proof.

[48:04] No i would you play with owns interested in distillery here in georgia and his encourage me to make it legal.
Show me that you have someone that you're with people are going to have.
A soft focus is anymore but what is watching people take a sip whiskey hands like this is very tasty,
the spice,
it was just too much the alcohol for me love alcoholic.
That is not the that's nothing the flavour profile expected.
No north carolina ramblers actually very tasty.
What was the heat again for me it was a little,
what time it was not the heat i can deal with it says undertones were little freudian for me.

[49:27] Begin channel strip out your hazel passages nomatter.
How many quality stuff i'm not saying.
Record i still believe in you nails passages.
Will not stand your ground that is not what steal my girl drive i would me
no i know keeping track here of how many each one of your has don't stop believin' not
Turn on help with the last that way,
what is having a promise to kill you first that just don't first kiss done to cleanest,
add his probably dream cave short fuse.

[50:41] I will it's over for before we go three of you for trouble yeah we need to cut this off the nashville.

[50:55] Add o k h o foxwoods zhou and trilla kid see that john,
looks like you to die in his face is a red will it i don't know what that red but it is dark.
Pause please,
love the man with the song gotta tell you just be a quiet.
Ok go the kid will it all end up,
i said so real quick typically play a game at the end of these things but this year wild side to get to know everyone just a little bit better so,
i search long and hard to find a book that would a scientifically,
let us know a little bit more about yourself from this so awesome social media quizzes book that it's been scientifically proven.

[52:06] Repeat accurate in hell cases,
two words that you know in florida they don't define right in school awesome and scientific now you know,
no more andrew peterson for alesso so this together is cranky pants.

[52:26] Yes yeah stormy weather august.
What is two five questions can i want the kids at to start so i want to all time low amalfi moon has a nice,
reset the she is first vol the most adorable child in the world
what really got it their just adorable and second she got a nice just go with it.
Stop aubrey hungry and ready to eat again taylor swift what do you do when the doorbell rings.
Do you pretend to not be home in less than expecting someone look through the people or window to see if it's worth answering.

[53:22] Answer it of course,
yes hang on a minute and grumble my way over or open the door and smile in invite whoever it is inside kevin what do you do.
If i'm not expected body high hold on.

[53:41] Hold on i'm coming just give me a second yep i'm away.
So an invitation to a family reunion arrived in the mail do you.
Do i have a dance party bp in a week or two i roll attend with dread.
I will and attend with friends with this should we say look forward to seeing everyone again or pretend the invite got lost in the mail film what do you do.
I roll what do you do the last one it got lost in the mail.

[54:25] Ironman panic cause most my relatives are dead.
Please add milk to do with that elvis presley the story.
What do you want to do when you retired is it retire fat chance of this academy spend more time with my family traveling enjoy every day.
Volunteer maybe work part time or leslie all i know i can't wait to leave my job kevin.
I'm gonna say travel because i actually love my job soon.
Also travel.

[55:21] Let's see all skip that one you over here a stranger saying something with which you strongly disagree blake you tell them to have a nice day.
Turn living let live three soundly judge them in soon forget all about it for jump in and change the remarks or five ignore them and complain about it to the next friend you talk too lee.
Who was number three number three silently judge them and soon forget all about it.
Yes not that soon forget all about it think that's the problem of so.
Without one silently judge which one is your stupid they don't have that answer i know which one is closest to that john mayer.
The remarks jumping channel zero march probably should be.
I am depressed vacations someone on the internet is wrong i must correct me just say yes yes you are and you know what knowing is half the battle so happy
yes prettymuch there you go last question how do you feel about social media.

[56:44] Message if it's cool it's cool way to keep up with friends and family i don't get out and get to see very often.
Where is a waste of time,
i like sharing my opinions finding like minded people online that i can't i can't imagine my life without it,
check in out of a couple times a week so i don't lose touch with my busy life.
Play specific cause me so i don't lose touch put my life is busy man none of the above please close this is gonna be number five.
I check a couple times week ok kevin close wasted time wasted time.
End filter person is a colorful ways to ten.

[57:38] Let me add a film scores lee all the information so kevin.
You are gonna be having step up but where can people find you on the social media or on the internet.

[57:52] Wilson's dragonette taking over my web page,
where are the facebook at dragon video gaming and on twitter at.
I need twitter handle on my twitter stuff man.
In what was the weather is a twitter handle it was it,
dragon convoy g. e. m. phil you're gonna have stuff coming up and where should people find the most up to date information about games,
when did my webpage taken over
so that's right time that would be up page what to do gaming games on facebook,
how sports games on twitter,
so that is good now john you only had to five so yeah.

[58:55] Hey portal you're not unicorns and rainbows but you also don't let things get to you you have a help me help me the short version of this.

[59:10] Hey portal next track.
No you have a healthy outlook a lot of friends so that was the last person no that's not surprisingly kevin came in both as don't test me crazy.
Sports years old glasses half empty keep it to yourself,
you can print the menu many things that upset you and voice your skepticism.
Truth a few true friends get you in our willing to put up with your blood with your bloodstain.

[59:54] What have to put on a podcast want to hear that we are the statler in waldorf of dragon.

[1:00:03] I like statler in waldorf better you can see that.

[1:00:13] You can you know what i just wanna say i will see you soon.
Relatives skurr.

[1:00:26] Alright so stop kevin hill it's been a pleasure always is it,
thank you so much its been fun is always and the next time for kevin hill.
This is john saying piece this has been a production of the unique,
delete a comment suggestion call acetate one three three two one zero mala suerte dot com.
Follow the song twitter at sign the unique this podcast his distributed thunder creative common share like noncommercial license.

[1:01:16] I don't want that small town,
what is the top of the stairs look at me for me.